Last night, YouTube rolled out the newest version of its site, with a new emphasis on Channels, and the aim to provide content creators with a site that drives more views and a loyal subscriber base to them.
There are three significant changes to the site, which are:
The Guide Bar
Visible on the left-hand side of every YouTube page is the Guide Bar, which gives viewers access to all of their subscriptions, as well as more content from the Channel they are currently visiting.
The Video Page and Avatars
On every video page, the video title and Subscribe button now sits below the player (instead of above it), in order to give the content centre stage. Comments are now accompanied by your Channel avatar, and this avatar is displayed in several more places across the site, including in your Feed and search results.
The Playlist feature on YouTube has been given an overhaul. Now, the list of videos in the playlist is positioned on the right-hand side of the player instead of below it. This makes navigating the content of a playlist much easier, and will hopefully keep viewers more engaged with any given channel's content.
Do you like the new YouTube layout? How do you think it will benefit you as a YouTube content creator? Let me know in the comments below.
Andrew Macarthy is author of 500 Social Media Marketing Tips, the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller:
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