The Best Totally Free Stock Video Sites To Help You Make Stunning Social Media Videos
/The Ultimate List of Free Stock Video Websites 2018
Are you looking for free stock video footage to use in your social media videos - Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc?
In an age where social sites are begging for brands to use video, they're the perfect solution for adding interest to a project rather than a static image, especially if, for whatever reason, you can't get out to record a suitable clip yourself.
Paying for video from traditional stock video websites can get very expensive, very quickly. But, there is an alternative.
There are a surprising number of sites offering totally free stock video footage - the best of which I have compiled below. These are sites that have plenty of free clips available (one hundred or more, and are regularly updated). Every site below has its merits, but I've tried to order them in a way that puts the best options towards to the top of the list.
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