5 Unique Ways to Feature Fans And Increase Brand Loyalty on Social Media (Five Guys Case Study)

Do you want to inspire your fans and customers to become true brand ambassadors on social media? One of the best ways to help do this is to make them feel a part of your "tribe" by featuring them regularly.

Burger and fries restaurant chain, Five Guys, does a really good job of this - and in several unique ways that make the moment that little bit more special. Check out 5 different examples below and think about how you might be able to incorporate a similar strategy into the content of your own business:

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How John Lewis Dominated Social Media With its Monty the Penguin Christmas 2014 Advert #MontythePenguin

Here in the UK, the department store John Lewis' Christmas advert is something of an annual cultural event. The commercials are renowned for telling touching, emotional stories centred around the spirit of Christmas giving - as well as signalling, for many, the start of the holiday shopping season. If you aren't familiar with any of the brand's Christmas campaigns, check out recent examples including 2013's Bear and the Hare and 2012's The Journey.

This year, I wanted to take a closer look at how John Lewis built and launched its biggest advertising campaign of the year. It was always going to be a talking point online but, in particular, I wanted to see how the brand utilised social media to maximise exposure for the ad, and start to turn fans and viewers into paying customers. What follows is the story of the run-up to and first 24 hours (and a bit) of John Lewis' Christmas 2014 advertising campaign on social media, with a list of early indicators of success and key takeways for all marketers at the end:

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101 Social Media Content Ideas For Business | Video Part 1 of 4 (Ideas 1 - 20)

Recently, I launched a brand new mini site at www.socialmediacontentideas.com. The idea was to help answer - in one simple list - the question I hear so often from business on social media: "What do I post?" If you want to check the whole list out (including examples), head on over to the link above now.

Alternatively, I will be rolling out the 101 ideas as part of a video series on here, and on my YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/500socialmediatips

Here's Part 1 of that series, Ideas 1-20:

Let me know in the comments if these ideas helped spark your imagination, and look out for Part 2 soon!

5 "Hidden" YouTube Features You Need to Grow Your Channel

Are you using YouTube videos as part of your social media marketing strategy? Do you want to reach more viewers and optimize the quality of your output?

YouTube has a whole host of lesser-known features that many creators aren't taking advantage of. In this article you’ll discover how to use these tools to increase watch-time, attract subscribers, and drive traffic to your website.

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How to Video Blog for Business Using Snapchat (Casey Neistat Case Study)

 Have you considered video blogging (vlogging) for business? You needn't post a video every day, or even every week, but if you're hosting an event, something cool is happening at the office, or you just want to give fans a glimpse at what goes on behind the scenes (however mundane it might be, passionate fans will really lap it up) vlogging can be a really effective way to go about it. 

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