5 Shocking Social Media ROI Statistics [INFOGRAPHIC]

To help support the launch of my new e-book, How to Measure Social Media ROI, I put together the following infographic, which demonstrates just how brands and businesses struggle with gathering and reporting on social media return on investment. 

What are your thoughts and experiences with social media ROI? Let me know below! And don't forget to grab a copy of How to Measure Social Media ROI, available on Amazon today. Click here to buy: http://amzn.com/B00A7XJADS

5 Ways to Create A Successful Facebook Offer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Facebook Offers are a great way to promote your business and Facebook presence to customers. To help your Offer go off with a bang, follow these five simple strategies.

5 Ways to Create A Successful Facebook Offer [INFOGRAPHIC] #socialmedia #infographic

5 Ways to Create A Successful Facebook Offer [INFOGRAPHIC] #socialmedia #infographic

How to Re-Purpose Content For Maximum Social Media Impact [INFOGRAPHIC]

Re-purposing content is one of the best ways to make the most of the work you do, and to make sure it has the most exposure and biggest impact possible on a variety of social networks. In this infographic, I show you some of the ways that one piece of content, (e.g. a blog post or infographic) can be modified into different mediums to appeal to different social media audiences.

5 Ways Coca-Cola Reached 50 Million Facebook Fans (And What You Can Learn From Them) [INFOGRAPHIC]

Earlier on this month, Coca-Cola became the first brand to gain more than 50 million fans (or 'likes') on Facebook. A number of celebrities and services including Lady Gaga and YouTube already have over 50 million fans, but Coca-Cola is the first to do so. My infographic, 5 Ways Coca-Cola Reached 50 Million Facebook Fans (And What You Can Learn From Them) will show you some of the main tactics Coca-Cola uses to engage with their fans, to help spread the word of their brand around Facebook and beyond.

Please Share This Infographic Via the Buttons Below!

How to Create Infographics Free Online | Make Infographics Without Photoshop With Easel.ly

Have you ever wished you could create great infographics for your business, but don't have the time, money or expertise to do it? I show you a great online, Easely (http://www.easel.ly) tool that allows anyone to create professional infographics for free. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgSLxgtbZKA# Do let me know your thoughts! :) Andrew.